Training Workshop: Empowering Civil Society to Track the African Peer Review Mechanism in South Africa

Image: Flickr, Flowcomm
Image: Flickr, Flowcomm

The South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA), Centre for Policy Studies (CPS) and the Africa Governance, Monitoring and Advocacy Project (AfriMAP) cordially invite you to a training workshop entitled ‘Empowering Civil Society to Track the African Peer Review Mechanism in South Africa’, which will take place on 25 January 2011 at The Grace Hotel, Rosebank, Johannesburg.

Following from the launch of the African Peer Review Mechanism Monitoring Project (AMP) and the presentation of the draft African Peer Review Mechanism Monitoring and Assessment Template (AMAT) at our scoping workshop in Johannesburg on 12-13 October 2010, the AMP is now ready to take the next step by empowering civil society groups to track the implementation of the APRM in South Africa, in order to jointly develop an independent assessment report. The AMP would like to involve other South African CSOs in this process.

This workshop will seek to inform and update participants about the APRM, the AMP, and the planned AMP SA Report and process to produce it, using the AMAT; provide basic training using on the AMAT to track APRM implementation in South Africa; convene a Working Group to compile the AMP-SA Report and encourage participants to commit to involvement; and review the project’s work plan and timelines for the AMP-SA Report, set future meetings and allocate tasks.

The training workshop will be followed by the launch of SAIIA’s new book “Grappling with Governance: Perspectives on the African Peer Review Mechanism” edited by Steven Gruzd, which will take place at 16:30 for 16:45 at the hotel. Copies will be on sale for R195.00.

The APRM Monitoring Project (AMP) is a project of SAIIA, CPS and AfriMAP. The AMP is funded by the Open Society Foundation for South Africa (OSF-SA), the Open Society Initiative in Southern Africa (OSISA) and the African Governance Monitoring and Advocacy Programme (AfriMAP)

AMP Training Workshop Programme

Date: Tuesday 25 January 2010
Venue: The Grace Hotel, Seringa Room
Address: 54 Bath Avenue, Rosebank, Johannesburg

08:30-09:00 Registration
09:00-09:15 Welcome, Background to the AMP Project, Workshop Goals (Steven Gruzd, SAIIA, Robin Richards, CPS, and Dugan Fraser) Welcome & introductions, explaining the context and development of the APRM Monitoring Project, and discussing goals and expectations of this training workshop.

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09:15-10:30 Tracking APRM Implementation in South Africa: What do we seek to accomplish, and how can CSOs get involved?

Q&A and Discussion

3 presentations covering

  • What is the APRM, overview of status & progress on APRM in SA, aims of AMP in SA (Steven Gruzd, SAIIA)
  • Summary of key objectives and action items in SA’s APRM National Programme of Action (NPoA) and relation to other key monitoring processes (Robin Richards, CPS)
  • How CSOs can be involved and presentation of different levels of participation (including being interviewed, supplying information, joining working group to compile AMP report) (Ogo Nzewi, CPS)
10:30-11:00 Tea
11:00-12:30 Compiling the SA AMP Report: Using the APRM Monitoring & Advocacy Template (AMAT)

Q&A and Discussion

3 presentations covering

  • Overview of the updated AMAT (Yarik Turianskyi, SAIIA)
  • Explanation of methodology for compiling AMP SA Report using the AMAT Pilot Guide (Tšoeu Petlane)
  • Proposed process for compiling the SA AMP report and its suggested structure (Steven Gruzd, SAIIA)
12:30-13:30 Lunch
13:30-15:00 Group Work: Starting to Put the SA AMP Report Together In smaller thematic groups cover the key issues to be covered in the report: participants discuss possible  data sources, institutions that need to be interviewed, as well as roles and responsibilities for the SA AMP process (Dugan Fraser)
15:00-15:15 Tea
15:15-16:00 Feedback from Groups, the Way Forward and Closing Groups report back, next steps to produce the SA AMP Report and timelines are discussed
16:30 for 16:45 Cocktail and Launch of SAIIA’s new book, “Grappling with Governance: Perspectives on the African Peer Review Mechanism” edited by Steven Gruzd. Copies on sale for R195.00
The views expressed in this publication/article are those of the author/s and do not necessarily reflect the views of the South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA).

25 Jan 2011