Local Governance and Non-State Actors Support Programme in Lesotho: Regional Development Policy Dialogue

Image: Flickr, GovernmentZA
Image: Flickr, GovernmentZA

SAIIA's APRM and Governance Programme is one of the impementing partners for the EU-funded.

Local Governance and Non-State Actors Support Programme(LGNSP) project  “Support to non-state actors (NSA) engagement in policy dialogue” in Lesotho. This project seeks to see partnerships enhanced between NSA in Lesotho, the Southern African Development Community (SADC) and Europe.

The project focuses on the Cotonou Agreement which is the key framework that governs relations between Lesotho and the European Union and which has the potential to provide a platform for North-South NSA cooperation and influence.  The regional dimension to the Cotonou Agreement’s relations with African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries also means that there is an increasing need for South-South NSA relations so that a coordinated and coherent voice may influence this important Agreement. SAIIA has been responsible for organising five workshops in Lesotho looking at policy issues relating to trade, governance, and NSA’s organisation for policy dialogue.