South Africa – US trade: Moving Beyond the Unilateral

President Barack Obama visits Senegal, Tanzania and South Africa between 26 of June and 3 of July 2013. Catherine Grant Makokera, the head of SAIIA’s Economic Diplomacy Programme, is interviewed on US trade relations with South Africa.

Key questions asked of Catherine Grant Makokera in this video include:

  • The United States is still one of South Africa’s most important trading partners. But your view is that they taking divergent trade policy approaches. Why do you say that?
  • As a driver of the global economy, what is the significance of the United States negotiating what has been called “mega-regional” trade deals (and where does that leave the Doha Development Round of negotiations at the WTO)?
  • The BRICS formation is gaining traction. Could we see changes in the traditional relationships South Africa has had with major trading partners such as United States and the European Union?

Click on the video above to watch, or click here to download the audio version.

This is number thirteen in a series of video interviews by the South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA).

The views expressed in this multimedia are those of the author/s and do not necessarily reflect the views of the South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA).

24 Jun 2013

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